World’s first pic
pic $100 personal
DNA analyzer pic

Our Vision

Better healthcare for billions of people. With a personal DNA analyzer in every home.

A photo of a happy female
Test yourself
Video call with a doctor
Electronic prescription
Home delivery of medications

No more waiting in doctors’ offices or emergency rooms.

An at-home PCR test
The problem

Existing home tests are inaccurate.

Existing home tests use lateral flow technology that is only 60-80% accurate. Lab PCR tests are 99% accurate, but analyzers cost $10,000-$20,000. The holy grail is personal PCR analyzers that are affordable for everyone.

Sparrow’s Solution

Accurate results
at home.

Sparrow’s breakthrough technology enables:

A happy family
A target with a bullseye
Affordable (50X cost reduction)
A stack of coins
Results in 15-45 minutes
A digital timer

Meet our team

A portrait of Paul
Paul Lem, M.D.

Biotech entrepreneur in DNA diagnostics. Raised $50M in financing. Received multiple regulatory approvals from FDA, European CE IVD Mark, and Health Canada. Products validated by clinical trials in Lancet, JAMA, and NEJM. Co-inventor of DNA spit cup used by 23andMe,, and millions of people worldwide.

A portrait of Rachel
Rachel Collier
VP Operations, Sales & Marketing

Founder of Third Door, a marketing agency that specializes in eCommerce for multi-million dollar brands. Director of Communications at Spartan Bioscience. Journalist whose work has been published in CBC, CTV, and Globe & Mail.